Friday 20 May 2011

I said yes to marriage, not to insomnia!

So it's been nearly three weeks since he proposed. Woo, horray! and all that jazz.

And before I go on, I don't mean to complain. I am genuinely thrilled that him indoors has finally done the deed and "will make an honest woman out of you at last" as one cheeky so-called friend quipped. I suppose he has a point – me and my mister have been together for the best part of a decade.

The lovely ring I expected (like I said, the best part of a decade. You wait that long for a diamond, you've earned it), along with the excitement, the congratulations, the friends pressing me for all the details, the family dropping hints about who they think we should invite, etc etc... I was mostly prepared for it all.

And I knew this thing would involve plenty of thought and organisation along the way to make the big day happen. That's cool. I'm the queen of the spreadsheet and I like (almost) nothing better than ticking off a well-made 'to do' list.

But what I really didn't expect was the sleepless nights. And not from engagement-induced passion by the way! No, the sleeplessness has been caused by my wedding-addled brain keeping me awake into the wee hours, urging me to scour website after website for, well, every darn aspect of the day.

So while he lies there gently snoring, I've been hunched over the laptop in the dark, feverishly clicking, linking and bookmarking until 2, 3, 4am. Every. Single. Night.

We're talking venues (hours and hours of venues), bands, wedding dresses, table decorations, flowers, favours, tiaras, chair covers, stationery, cakes, shoes, hair styles, themes, colours, and this week – just to add a new layer of wedding madness – photo booths, sweetie tables and gospel choirs (!!)

So, after several hours of that each night, I'm either too exhausted to talk about any of it with him the next day – or I've hit my second wind and instead have to restrain myself from dropping a carpet bomb of wedding details all over him.

I hope I'm not alone in this engaged-lady lunacy (a look at some of the more exciteable wedding forum posters makes me think I'm probably not), but either way I hope it's not going to be like this until we walk down the aisle. Maybe once we've booked the venue and the church (hopefully tomorrow) my brain can take it down a notch.

In the meantime, I have a stack of bridesmaid dress bookmarks and I'm not afraid to use 'em....

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